Nissan Rogue One Warrior : “Tout Schuss” avec le X-TRAIL à chenilles !

“Quand te reverrai-je, pays merveilleux ?” Si Jean-Claude Dusse avait, à son époque cinématographique, connu le Nissan Rogue One Warrior, il aurait sûrement (ou peut-être) pu conclure. Ce ton décalé de notre sujet colle parfaitement au X-TRAIL à chenilles.

Alors que le salon de la ville originelle de l’industrie automobile américaine bat son plein a Detroit, l’un peu plus discret salon de l’auto de Montréal accueille le sensationnel Nissan Rogue One Warrior ou le X-TRAIL à chenilles. En 2015, c’est le Nissan Juke Nismo RSnow qui avait été équipé de quoi passer sa première étoile (à revoir sur Nissan Juke Nismo RSnow : le crossover prêt pour la neige grâce à des chenilles !, sans oublier le Ford-F150 RaptorTrax de Ken Block (à voir ici).

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Cette fois, c’est bien le SUV familial qui passe en mode “hors piste” grâce à nos cousins du Québec. Ainsi, on retrouve le système à chenilles Dominator sur ce monstrueux Nissan Rogue Warrior. Les chenilles sont de 122 cm de long, 38 cm de large et 76 cm de hauteur. La garde au sol de l’engin passe à 58 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Tout le reste est un X-Trail standard avec notamment la boîte X-Tronic et grâce à ses optimisations hivernales, le SUV japonais peut se vanter de pouvoir grimper des pentes enneigées à 45 degrés et d’atteindre 100 km/h dans la poudreuse. De quoi assurer le planté de bâton des skieurs que le  Nissan Rogue One Warrior aime tracter, comme le montre la vidéo qui suit.

La rédaction

Photos : Nissan

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.

Nissan’s number one-selling product in Canada has been transformed into an extreme prototype, which sits on heavy-duty snow tracks measuring 30”/76 cm in height, 48”/122 cm in length and the individual track width is 15”/38 cm.